To offer our customers the best possible support, we set up our own Squeak and Rattle acoustic laboratory at our company headquarters in Passau years ago. We offer this laboratory to automobile manufacturers and suppliers for rent. Alternatively, as a service, we carry out the tests with our in-house engineers and technicians for our customers. In order to keep our laboratory equipment up to date and to be able to offer our customers the latest technology, we have brought an innovative recording and evaluation device into our house, the SoundCam.
The system locates and visualizes unwanted noises in the vehicle interior or on the component.
The SoundCam shows the areas in color where the noises appear. The sensitivity of the device can be adjusted depending on the application. The frequency ranges in which the SoundCam "deflects" can also be set. The system is intuitive and easy to use. Our customers do not have to deal with lengthy familiarization, but can start immediately with the noise analysis. Thus it is easy for the user to locate disturbing noises and then develop possibilities for eliminating noise.
The SoundCam consists of 64 microphones, an optical camera, an integrated data acquisition and analysis system as well as a display and control unit with touchscreen and hardware buttons. The system displays high-resolution results in real time on the screen. The high speed and accuracy make the system special.
In addition to the SoundCam, our acoustic laboratory is equipped with high-quality test benches. Our component shaker, the EvoCarb and our high power vehicle shaker are acoustically optimized and therefore ideal for noise analysis. In addition, we offer numerous analysis and evaluation devices in order to act preventively and to be able to eliminate errors already in the development phase.
Are you interested in our Squeak and Rattle products or do you want to use our services? Then please contact us!
You can find more information about the SoundCam on the website of our partner company: