AKE technologies GmbH has been awarded the TOP 100 seal as an innovative company!
The TOP 100 seal for special innovative strength and above-average innovation success has been awarded to medium-sized companies by compamedia since 1993.
The competition is based on a scientific selection process. AKE was examined on the basis of more than 100 criteria from five categories: Innovation-promoting top management, innovation climate, innovative processes and organization, external orientation/open innovation, and innovation success. The seal is awarded in three size categories: up to 50, 51 to 200 and more than 200 employees. A maximum of 100 companies per size category can receive the award.
"TOP 100 is about the question of how important the innovation goal is within the company," says Prof. Dr. Nikolaus Franke, scientific director of the competition. "Do routines and habits dominate, or is the company capable of questioning the existing, thinking creatively and in new ways, and successfully implementing them on the market? We analyze this ability using more than 100 test criteria," he explains.
“Innovations are born from ideas that we pick up from everyday working life. We gather ideas from discussions with each individual employee. We place particular emphasis on encouraging our employees in this regard. We draw further ideas from a rich network, or from various events and functions we attend. It's important to go through your professional life with your eyes open and to recognize the opportunities and possibilities behind each individual idea," say the two managing directors Michael Schurm and Michael Wagner.
On June 23, science journalist Ranga Yogeshwar will personally congratulate AKE on this success at the awards ceremony at the German SME Summit in Augsburg. Yogeshwar accompanies the TOP 100 innovation competition as a mentor.
We are particularly pleased about this award and want to achieve further innovation successes for the future, together with the entire AKE team, and work on the technologies of the future!